Euro-HSP Welcomes Germany

We proudly continue in puzzling a strong HSP-patient together

In May 2024 HSP-Selbsthilfe Germany joined Euro-HSP. This year the German HSP-Selbsthilfe celebrates their twentieth anniversary. Thus, they enter two decades of experience and tradition in one of the leading central European countries into our network. The German speaking DACH region (D … Germany, A … Austria, CH … Switzerland) is now fully represented within Euro-HSP.

Due to the joint organization of the Adolf-Struempell-Prize with the Tom Wahlig Foundation a strong and active link of patient activities in all European countries was established. With joint efforts from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom we support the translation of our first awarded project into a real treatment attempt. Euro-HSP has supported a first year of translational research at the Istituto di Patologia in Rome in cooperation with medical doctors and industry with 60.000 Euro of raised donations (mid 2023 to mid 2024). Currently, we are finalizing the planning for the second year.

Together with our new partners from Germany and our existing partners from all over Europe we continue moving towards our huge goal – we want to get cured. We continue reaching out to European patient groups which are not yet part of our network. Don’t hesitate – join us.