Gerald Fischer, PhD

Scientific Advisor Euro-HSP

I am a biomedical engineer, researcher, and father of two adult kids affected by HSP. This page provides an overview on some of my research and teaching activities in Neurosciences (UMIT TIROL - Private University For Health Sciences and Health Technology).

Research and Publications

The focus of my research work is improving the diagnostic value of evoked potential by taking advantage of state-of-the-art high-resolution neuro-potential amplifiers by fully digital signal processing. The Signal-To-Noise-Management concept underlying my research aims for shortening recording times, avoidance of repeated investigations by reliable signal quality parameters and control of recording conditions by automatic noise level surveillance. You can find a brief explanation of the Signal-To-Noise-Management concept here.  

Some recent publications

Together with my colleagues I developed N-Interval Fourier Transform Analysis (N-FTA) which allows for simultaneous spectral analysis of evoked and spontaneous background activity in individual recordings. This direct comparison of evoked and background levels in the frequency domain provides the basis for identifying key factors which determine signal-to-noise ratio in evoked potential. The principles of N-FTA were published in:

G. Fischer, J. Haueisen, D. Baumgarten, M. Kofler, Spectral separation of evoked and spontaneous cortical activity, Part 1: Delta to high gamma band, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 92 (2024).

G. Fischer, J. Haueisen, D. Baumgarten, M. Kofler, Spectral separation of evoked and spontaneous cortical activity, Part 2: Somatosensory high frequency oscillations, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 95 (2024).

Fischer G., Kofler M., Baumgarten D. Implementation of N-interval Fourier transform analysis – application to compound action potentials MethodsX (2023)

You can download an N-FTA MATLAB implementation and data from my UMIT-Tirol site.

Together with my colleagues I developed also theoretical framework which predicts spectral properties spinal-cord evoked-responses:

Fischer G, Kofler M., Handler M., Baumgarten D, A Lead Field Two-Domain Model for Longitudinal Neural Tracts – Analytical Framework and Implications for Signal Bandwidth, Comput Math Methods Med (2020).

Find out more about my research on ORCID and Research Gate.

Teaching and Tutorials

The focus of my teaching activities is on biosignal processing. I like supporting theory by examples which provide a link to application. The Hodgkin-Huxley model provides the theoretical basis of cellular action potentials. However, in clinical routine signals are measured on the body surface. These signals display remarkable changes in morphology, amplitude, and duration on their way from the cell-membrane to the electrode on the skin.

I provide a tutorial investigating the genesis of sensory compound action potentials (CAPs) for free download. It contains examples for depiction of neural activity at the body surface.